Category Archive: dream

What the F##k?

There I sat in disbelief. On the cold travertine tile surrounding the toilet flange, I chiseled away. Once again, brother-in-law Brett broke the commode. Although forty-five, he remains eternally twelve. Pulsating through the sewer pipes, Brett’s… Continue reading

Summertime with Nana

I love my Nana the most Nana the most Nana the most I love my Nana the most Yes I do “Nana” is what Cade calls my sister Iris. Yes, she taught him this… Continue reading


What’s the world like through the eyes of innocence? Somewhere over the spectrum I see the wonder. I see the wonder of a world not tainted by ignorance and hatred; where superheroes exist and fairy tales… Continue reading


Seeing so many young people graduating brings back great memories. “What are your plans for the future?” I remember people asking this very question when I myself graduated from high school. I remember the… Continue reading