Tag Archive: Batman vs Superman


What’s the world like through the eyes of innocence? Somewhere over the spectrum I see the wonder. I see the wonder of a world not tainted by ignorance and hatred; where superheroes exist and fairy tales… Continue reading


Seeing so many young people graduating brings back great memories. “What are your plans for the future?” I remember people asking this very question when I myself graduated from high school. I remember the… Continue reading


This was the tone shortly after midnight. If you are reading out loud please put ear muffs on your little ones. The following was from a post I made on Facebook at 1:00 a.m. this… Continue reading


“Come on.” Curling my index finger I called Cade to the bunny slope. “Hamburger Helper!” He yelled. A feeling of frustration was evident in his voice. Slowly Cade scooted his way across the snow.… Continue reading